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Tested: Almax Immobiliser Series V and Squire SS80CS review

Consumer Editor of Bennetts BikeSocial



Almax Immobiliser Series V and Squire SS80CS review
Almax Immobiliser Series V chain links
Squire SS80CS padlock
Squire SS80CS keyhole
Squire SS80CS key


Date reviewed: July 2017 | Tested by: John Milbank | Price: £259.95 | Weight: 16.08kg |


Available in two sizes – 1.6 and 2.1 meters, we’ve tested the shorter chain, which comes with a waterproof sleeve that’s retained at each end by zip ties. The end links can be passed through any of the other links, meaning it’s possible to effectively shorten the chain to keep it tight.

The chain’s paired with a Squire SS80CS padlock, which has a plastic sleeve and a rubber cover over the key way. Our cover fell off during pre-testing photography, as the retaining strap is very fragile. Once off, it doesn’t want to stay in place, so will be easily lost. Two keys are supplied.


Almax Immobiliser Series V and Squire SS80CS size comparison


Size and weight

At the time of writing, this was the largest, heaviest chain we’d tested – at 8.68kg/m, our 1.6m length weighed 13.88kg, making for a total of 16.08kg when combined with the 2.20kg padlock.

If rolled up, the chain covers a diameter of approximately 36cm.


Resistance to attack: chain

We couldn’t keep the Series V’s links in the bolt croppers, let alone cut them. Using the worst case scenario of an anvil and plenty of space for the noisy sledge hammer attack, we failed to even put any cracks on the chain. It’s worth noting too that, when we tested freeze spray and hammered the chain, there was still no visible damage at all.

The only way to cut this chain, which has 21.0-23.0mm-thick round links, is with an angle grinder, where our 115mm cutter took a very long time – the chain had to be flipped three times as the disc wore away so extensively.


Resistance to attack: padlock

On an anvil, a sledge hammer attack resulted only in the padlock displaying some surface cracks and deforming. We were able to cut through the 16mm shackle but it was impossible to get an angle that allowed the link to be removed afterwards. With this chain, this is effectively an unbreakable padlock.

To understand how best to use your lock, click here




Product: Almax Immobiliser Series V and Squire SS80CS

Size tested: 1.6m

Weight as tested: 16.08kg

Rolled diameter: 36cm

Bolt cropper attack: GOOD

Sledge hammer attack: GOOD

Angle grinder attack: OUTSTANDING



For home use, the Almax Immobiliser Series V and Squire SS80CS is a formidable combination. Typically, we’d advise users to always ensure they keep their chains and locks off the ground, to avoid any hammer attack, but in our test we found this to be irrelevant; we could not break this chain and lock.

Of course it can be cut using an angle grinder, but the time it takes is very significant – among the very best we’ve tested at the time of writing.

If you’re serious about your bike’s security, this is up there with the best, but keep in mind that if you want to use it away from home, it weighs twice what most motorcycle top-boxes are rated for, so you’ll need a very sturdy bag on the pillion seat. You'll also need to check that your ground anchor is large enough.

To see the other chains and locks tested by BikeSocial, click here 


Find out how and why we did this test

Consumer editor John Milbank explains how you can get the best out of your chain and lock, and how this test was done

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