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Pragmasis 25mm Titan Chain / Squire SS80CS XLN review | Extreme motorcycle security

Consumer Editor of Bennetts BikeSocial



Pragmasis Protector 25mm Titan Squire SS80CS review_01
Pragmasis Protector 25mm Titan Squire SS80CS review_03


Date reviewed: November 2023 | Tested by: John Milbank | RRP: £180.52 / £360.47 | Weight: 15.83kg |


With advances in material technology that has seen the release of portable angle-grinder-resistant D-locks, it could be all too easy to dismiss heavy duty chains and locks like the Pragmasis 25mm Titan with Squire SS80CS XLN on review here. However, the flexibility (both literally and figuratively) of a chain means they still very much have a place in high-security set-ups for your motorcycle.

The Sold Secure Powered Cycle Diamond-approved Pragmasis Titan is currently the cheapest 25mm chain on the market and replaces the company’s 22mm chain, with pricing as follows:



Without lock

With lock











The Squire SS80CS XLN lock costs £199.99 on its own and can be keyed alike with other compatible Squire locks bought at the same time, or already owned, for an extra £10.


  • Great protection against attack

  • A good value investment that can last a lifetime

  • Excellent support from a UK company

  • Not portable (obviously)


Size and weight

The Pragamasis 25mm Titan is of course intended for home use, weighing 13.64kg for the 1.3m length on test (that’s 10.5kg/metre). On top of this, the Squire SS80CS XLN padlock (larger to fit around the 25mm chain) weighs 2.19kg, making for a total bundle of 15.83kg. If you bought the longest 2.4m package, the complete set would weigh a staggering 27.39kg.

The Titan is a long-link chain, with the final link passing through the opposite end to secure with the padlock. Each link is approximately 182mm long and 91mm wide, with an internal dimension of around 133mm x 41mm. The European-sourced, electrophoretic coated boron steel links have a consistent diameter of 25mm.

The chain is covered with a hard-wearing fabric sleeve, retained at each end with zip-ties. While this cover will protect your bike’s paintwork, as always care should be taken when passing the links through the wheel.

The Squire SS80CS has a 16mm enclosed shackle with an internal capacity of 26mm horizontally and 28mm vertically. The body of the lock is protected by a plastic sleeve, with the keyway covered by a silicone flap that’s been redesigned, and seems stronger than the old versions.



A chain of this size won’t go through all ground anchors, so check yours if you already have one fitted. It will fit the excellent Pragmasis Torc Mega ground anchor, which costs just £69.95, and while this has ‘only’ a 22mm diameter shackle, it’s a very well-designed piece of kit that requires two full cuts to defeat.

Do also check whether the chain will fit through your bike’s wheels – the R1250GS’s spoked wheels, for instance, have very little room, so won’t accept this or even many smaller high-security chains. On this bike, I’d strongly recommend the Pragmasis Super-Dooper Anti Pinch Pin, which goes through the axle.

Always buy the shortest length of chain you can – not only to save money, but also to make it even harder to attack. With a carefully-positioned anchor, it should be possible to secure most rear wheels with just the 1.3m chain.

If you’re unsure of anything, contact Pragmasis as it’s a family-run engineering business in the Midlands that’s always happy to offer advice, and to ensure its customers get the best kit for their needs.



Resistance to attack: picking

While YouTube videos make lock-picking appear easy (especially when they’re done with the intention of promoting the sale of the channel owner’s lock-picking equipment), this form of attack is practically unheard of in motorcycle crime. Picking anything but the most basic locks requires a level of skill, patience and dexterity that is simply not seen on the streets.

The Squire SS80CS uses a high-security R1 restricted key profile, which requires the owner to use the included code card to obtain any duplicates of the two supplied keys. The cylinder is replacable, and the lock, which is made in England, carries the Police Secured By Design specification, a CEN (Central European Norm) rating of the maximum 6, and Level 3 from the Loss Prevention Certification Board.

The SS80CS padlock is also highly resistant to drill attacks thanks to a cleverly-designed body casing that snags the drill-bit.

To see how this compares with the other locks we’ve tested, check out our best motorcycle locks for home and away.


Resistance to attack: bolt-croppers

The largest manual and hydraulic bolt-croppers are unable to cause any damage to the Pragmasis Titan 25mm chain, or indeed the Squire SS80CS padlock.

To see how this compares with the other locks we’ve tested, check out our best motorcycle locks for home and away.


Note: chain destruction tested had not had the electrophoretic coating


Resistance to attack: sledge hammer

The Titan chain is extremely resistant to sledge-hammer attacks. Pragmasis always takes great care with the case- and through-hardening of its chains to ensure they’re not brittle, and this one is no different.

The Squire SS80CS lock is also excellent against any form of hammer attack.

To see how this compares with the other locks we’ve tested, check out our best motorcycle locks for home and away.


Note: chain destruction tested had not had the electrophoretic coating


Resistance to attack: angle-grinder

Nothing is completely impossible to defeat, and as with all locks, an angle-grinder will eventually get through the Titan. However, simply down to its sheer size, any attack will be time-consuming and a very real obstacle to any thief.

We always test locks with high-quality, thin, abrasive and diamond cutting discs, and the Pragmasis 25mm Titan offers an excellent level of resistance. Diamond discs offer no advantage, taking significantly longer to get through.

The Squire SS80CS ‘only’ has a 16mm shackle, but the fact that it’s enclosed in the steel body and is inaccessible with a grinder means that it’s even harder to defeat than the chain. Due to the way the shackle sits in the body, however it’s cut there’s always material left that prevents the chain being removed.

To see how this compares with the other locks we’ve tested, check out our best motorcycle locks for home and away.



Bennetts BikeSocial test results

Product: Pragmasis Protector Titan 25mm chain and Squire SS80CS lock

Weight as tested: 15.83kg

Bolt cropper attack: PASS

Sledge hammer attack: PASS

Angle grinder attack: PASS (OUTSTANDING)


Pragmasis Titan 25mm chain and Squire SS80CS lock review: Verdict

It should come as no surprise that the Pragmasis Titan 25mm (which replaces the company’s excellent Titan 22mm chain) proved so resistant to attack in Bennetts BikeSocial’s testing.

A heavy-duty chain like this can’t practically be carried on a motorcycle, but for home use the ability to combine it with a relatively affordable ground anchor (as long as it’s big enough) means it can make locking up very quick and easy.

Of course, you could also buy this chain on its own for £180.52 and use it with a Hiplok or Litelok angle-grinder-resistant D-lock, which you could then take with you when you’re out riding. Add a Torc Mega anchor for £69.99 and you’ve got something that should last forever.

Pragmasis has done an excellent job in being able to offer a chain this big at such a great price. It’s not cheap, but it’s the best value 25mm chain on the market, and it’s an investment that you should only have to make once in your lifetime. As always, buy the best security you can afford, use it, then stop worrying about your bike and get on with enjoying it…

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To see the other chains and locks tested by Bennetts BikeSocial, click here and be sure to regularly check for the discounts available through BikeSocial membership.


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